Month: September 2018
The Allstate Insurance Company annually compiles claims and ranks 200 metro areas across the country. With number 1 being the safest, the Washington, DC ranked 198 and Baltimore ranked 200, which is to say that we live in the most dangerous areas in the country to drive. These numbers should actually be no surprise to anyone who drives here on a regular basis, nor were they a surprise to Allstate, which ranked Washington, DC was 197 and Baltimore was 199 in 2017. The statistics are based on the number of
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It is human nature to step on the gas pedal when you are running behind. The thinking goes: I need to go faster, which gets me to my destination sooner. Now research says otherwise, particularly in urban environments. According to a study that examines time saved from driving faster versus risk involved, there is little empirical evidence of saving time in day-to-day urban driving, and a much higher risk of speed-related crashes that lead to injuries and death. The researcher examined naturalistic driving data collected from 106 drivers over a period of
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